Discover the 7 core steps that will make your marketing simple, practical, & affordable

Take the first steps to building a solid marketing foundation and learn what it takes to create a repeatable marketing & lead generation system that will attract your most ideal customers.

Practiced effectively, marketing is simply a system.

While this may be hard for some business owners to come to grips with, like those who feel that “marketing is a strange form of creative voodoo thinking,” marketing is not only a system—it may be the most important system in any business.

To understand how to approach marketing for a business, it may be helpful to understand the Duct Tape Marketing System definition of marketing. Marketing is getting someone who has a need to know, like and trust you.

One could argue about what “like” or “trust” is in any given industry, but now more than ever, this definition gets at the heart of the game.

Here are the 7 core steps that make up the simple, effective, and affordable Duct Tape Marketing System.

Businesses that appreciate and implement this approach to marketing grow in a consistent and predictable manner.

In this Book You Will ...

  • Learn what is truly means to put strategy before tactics
  • Learn how to lead your ideal customer through a journey that will make your business Irresistible
  • How to operate a Lead Generation Trio

And More!

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