CMM Program LP 2

Bring your marketing in-house so you can get to growing faster.

Stop renting your marketing and start owning it

Let us help you hire, train, and activate your marketing team with our Certified Marketing Manager program.

If you’re a small business owner,

this question has most likely crossed your mind:

“Should I hire someone in-house for marketing or continue to seek outside help?”

Well—there’s a time and place for both. And there’s a sweet spot smack dab in the middle where ‘owning’ and ‘renting’ will work hand in hand.

That’s the part that’s holding a lot of businesses back. They abdicate their marketing or they don’t know how to delegate or they don’t know how to hire internally. There are parts of marketing that need to be internal. That you need to own. And that you need to develop. But that’s how you grow. That’s how you plan to grow. If you continue to delegate or abdicate the marketing function or other marketing functions. There’s a lot of parts of marketing that are about culture, that are about your people, and very few marketing consultants are able to capture that in a way that. There are aspects about marketing that are only captured the right way from someone internally.

Leveling up or adding internal resources. It’s a hybrid coaching model for business that want tho think about leveling up or adding internal resources. But don’t know how to do it or dont feel confident doing or have clarity to build marketing strategy or a marketing plan. It will be available in October.

Any org that wants to hire a marketing manager, we’ll help you build a marketing strategy but also bring in that person and manage that person and train that person so now that function now provides tremendous benefit

Any org that wants to level up their current marketing manager or marketing team—there’s not a culture of marketing inside of the org; the duct tape marketing system can not just make you help the phone ring but level up your team to get them on the same page.

Any business that wants more clarity and control over their own program.

Why you can’t abdicate your marketing.

It’s common to delegate what you can as a small business owner. And marketing is one of those things that gets delegated most of the time. But when delegation becomes abdication —then you’ve got a problem.

Too often businesses have ‘someone looking after their marketing’. But when you look beneath the surface, it’s less about having someone running their marketing effectively and more about being a convenient opportunity for business owners to check the marketing box and turn their attention elsewhere.

When you’ve just abdicated and hired random people, you limit your bottom line results, and you aren’t building yourself a long-term asset — you’re just renting one.

Why business owners need to start owning marketing.

There’s a time and place for having a consultant who is working with you at a higher level—but there’s a lot of things you need to build internally

Business owners are often skeptical about someone coming in to help with their marketing—whether it’s in-house or even on a consultant basis—so much so they don’t hire marketing people for multiple reasons such as:

They don’t see marketing as a priority

Few business owners have a marketing background, and while great marketing... can deliver, most don’t want to spend their time (or money) on it.

They’ve been burned before

a lot of times small businesses have had a bad experience with a marketing guru... of some sort or they’ve hired a marketingperson who ‘knew’ how to manage social media, but didn’t have any broader direction when it comes to marketing strategy. (And that’s because there often isn’t a bigger strategy.)

They don’t know how to hire or train the right person

business owners (usually) aren’t marketers. They often don’t know what to look for..., where to find talent, or how to get someone up to speed successfully

They can’t justify the cost

Small businesses often have limited resources. Hiring is a commitment....

It’s an upfront cost, and the ROI isn’t instantaneous.But your costs should pay for themselves quickly if you hire the right person.

Introducing the Certified Marketing Manager Program.

In this program, our consultant will be your strategic advisor while they help you develop the marketing skills and knowledge of your team

The Certified Marketing Manager Program is not a course. We've taken the very marketing system that has now been installed in thousands of small businesses and turned it into a hybrid coaching and training program designed to help any business accomplish two very important things:

  • Build a custom marketing action plan
  • Hire, train and develop their internal marketing team

The Program comes with an experienced consultant armed with a proven marketing system and a personalized training program based on your business for your marketing team (even if that's just one person).

Our consultant will teach your team how to build, run and implement a custom marketing system tuned to evolve as you grow. They can even help you find and hire the perfect internal marketing manager or coordinator.

The Certified Marketing Manager Program allows you to take charge of your marketing while building a long-term asset that grows with you—one that you own instead of rent.

Who is this program for:

  • Organizations who want to hire a marketing manager
  • Organizations who want to level up their current marketing manager
  • Organizations who are committed to personal development for their team
  • Even business owners who want more clarity and control over their own marketing

What you get out of the program:

  • A one-on-one coaching relationship with a small business expert
  • Complete training and development for your marketing team
  • Access to a full online training portal for your team
  • A proven marketing system that evolves as you grow
  • Tools, templates, and resources to help your team confidently build and execute a marketing action plan
  • The development of an internal asset who is a Duct
  • Tape Marketing Certified Marketing Manager
  • No more marketing guesswork or wondering what your marketing team should do

Alexa Arciero, South City Print

“Before this program, I was messily trying to piece together a Marketing Plan for our business. I had a lot of random insight that I just didn’t know how to structure into a cohesive plan. Since starting the Marketing Manager Training Program, I feel much more confident in where our plan is moving, and that it has all the necessary parts for us to be successful.

Sara has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process, answering all my questions and giving helpful feedback. I’m excited to implement the Marketing Plan that I will be leaving this program with.”

- Alexa Arciero, South City Print