Local Seo Playbook LP 2

If You Are Not Ranking In The

Top 3 Of Google Results,

These 5 Tips Are Essential!

If You Are Not Ranking In The Top 3 Of Google Results, These 5 Tips Are Essential!

Ever wonder how your competitors are being found in local search Results but you are not? It is not rocket science! Do these 5 things and watch your business climb to the top. Number 4 may surprise you!
  • Download Your Copy of The Local SEO Playbook Today

How Do Potential Customers

Find Your Business?

How Do Potential Customers Find Your Business?

searchers choose a business that is on page 1 of results
consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations
smartphone users contact a business after a local search

In this Book You Will …

Learn the basics of SEO

Discover the first steps to getting ranked on any search engine (especially Google)

The Fundamentals of Review Management

Find out why you reputation as a business has a dramatic effect on your rankings on Google and elsewhere

How to Build and SEO Roadmap

You’ll get a solid foundation to build your Local SEO plan and start generating traffic and new leads quickly!

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Jane Doe / Businesswoman

Get our Free E-Book Today and Start Your Journey

To the Top Of Local Search Results

Get our Free E-Book Today and Start Your Journey To the Top Of Local Search Results

Generate Traffic, Get New Customer, & Grow Your Referrals
Get Your Copy of The Local SEO Playbook Today