7 Tips to Do More (and Better) Video Marketing for Your Business

As a small business, you are always searching for ways to make the most of your marketing budget to expand your reach and boost sales. No marketing strategy is complete without video marketing, but it can be hard to know where to start. Whether you need to create your first video marketing strategy or improve an existing one, the following tips can help you.

Start With What You Have – It’s Enough


Video marketing is one of the more intimidating areas of marketing for many small businesses. You may think you need to spend a lot to create high-quality videos, but this is not the case.


You can start producing quality videos and take advantage of this type of marketing on a very low budget. After all, most smartphones today have great cameras, and there are plenty of free or highly affordable video editing software options available.


Start your video marketing wherever you can, but make sure that you focus on learning new skills and improving this type of marketing.


Do Your Research


Your priority when creating video content for your marketing campaign should always be on quality, not quantity. You will notice much better results if you deliver just a few high-quality videos that people enjoy watching than if you create numerous low-quality videos.


But what is a quality video? Quality videos result from market research and a good understanding of your customers. They feature compelling content that appeals to your audience and genuinely interests them.


That means you need to do your research to make sure you know the topics your audience want to hear about.


Two good places to start: keyword research on Google and Youtube, and also visit online forums and communities where your customers ‘hang out’, and study the video topics that are already getting great attention and response from your audience on Youtube.

Provide Educational Content


One of the easiest ways to make compelling video content is to make it educational to your audience. Remember that you don’t need to have a high video budget to create quality videos; the content is more important.


How-to videos are a particularly great option for any small business. You can also create videos sharing tips and tricks, explaining features in more detail, or serving as buying guides.


Try Live Video

Try doing live video on your favorite social platforms. This is a good opportunity to connect directly with your audience and boost engagement.


What kind of videos are good for live?


Behind-the-scenes videos are incredibly popular. These are a great way to introduce your team, your story, and your products. They can also be ideal for making announcements.


Simply turn on the camera and start broadcasting, introducing members of your team and telling your audience what’s happening with your day. People love the candid connection!

Start With an Attention Grabber


There are so many videos online, so you need to create videos that stand out. One of the best ways of doing this is to ensure that your video catches the attention of viewers within the first few seconds.


Most experts agree that you need to catch the viewer’s attention within the first three seconds. If you don’t, people are likely to turn away.

Don’t Forget About Keywords


You are hopefully used to incorporating keywords into your written content, but you may not realize you should be doing this with video content as well. YouTube will automatically transcribe your video. This means that Google can use that transcription for search results.


There are a few things to do with this knowledge. Start by making sure you include your keywords early on in the video. Then, keep incorporating them naturally through the video. As a bonus, consider checking the automatically generated transcript for accuracy.


Remember There Are Multiple Platforms for Video Marketing 

When it comes to video marketing, it is easy to just focus on YouTube and forget about everything else. However, you need to remember that other social media platforms also host videos. You will want to post your videos on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, TikTok, and other relevant channels, depending on where your audience is.

For the best results, do more than just post the same video everywhere. You also want to take a few minutes to optimize the video for each platform before sharing it.